The last reading stopped at: “Lascivious people” (3.238)
The numbers in 3.238 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (3 = chapter number; 238 = line number).
The last reading stopped at: “Lascivious people” (3.238)
The numbers in 3.238 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (3 = chapter number; 238 = line number).
The last reading stopped at: “He has washed the upper moiety” (3.78).
The numbers in 3.78 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (3 = chapter number; 78 = line number).
The last reading stopped at Mr Deasy’s quoting of the phrase:
For Ulster will fight
And Ulster will be right.
The numbers in 2.398 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (2 = chapter number; 398 = line number).
The last reading stopped at: “tyrants willing to be dethroned” (2.172)
The numbers in 2.172 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (2 = chapter number; 172 = line number).