The Ulysses readings with Fritz Senn are held on Thursdays 5-6 pm at the Zurich James Joyce Foundation, Augustinergasse 9, 8001 Zurich.
Updates about the group's progress are given on this site (see below).
The Ulysses readings with Fritz Senn are held on Thursdays 5-6 pm at the Zurich James Joyce Foundation, Augustinergasse 9, 8001 Zurich.
Updates about the group's progress are given on this site (see below).
The last reading stopped at: “Passing now.” (3.389)
The numbers in 3.389 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (3 = chapter number; 389 = line number).
The last reading stopped at: “Lascivious people” (3.238)
The numbers in 3.238 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (3 = chapter number; 238 = line number).
The last reading stopped at: “He has washed the upper moiety” (3.78).
The numbers in 3.78 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (3 = chapter number; 78 = line number).
The last reading stopped at Mr Deasy’s quoting of the phrase:
For Ulster will fight
And Ulster will be right.
The numbers in 2.398 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (2 = chapter number; 398 = line number).
The last reading stopped at: “tyrants willing to be dethroned” (2.172)
The numbers in 2.172 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (2 = chapter number; 172 = line number).
The last reading stopped at: “with wondering unsteady eyes.” (1.423)
The numbers in 1.423 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (1 = chapter number; 423 = line number.
A new round of Ulysses readings has begun at the Zurich James Joyce Foundation (Augustinergasse 9, Zurich, 2nd floor).
The readings are free of charge and suited to both beginners and returners. All you need is a basic knowledge of English and your curiosity. If you have a copy of the book, please take it with you. You can join at any point and come back for as long as you wish.New readers are always welcome.
The first reading stopped at: “omphalos” (1.176)
The numbers in 1.176 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (1 = chapter number; 176 = line number.