The last reading stopped at: “sweepingbrush men again all over” (18.1388), ca. 20 lines into the paragraph beginning “no thats no way for him”.
One favourite passage was:
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden
The last reading stopped at: “sweepingbrush men again all over” (18.1388), ca. 20 lines into the paragraph beginning “no thats no way for him”.
One favourite passage was:
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden
Please note that there will be no reading on 14 November. The next reading will take place on Thursday, 21 November.
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden
The last reading stopped near the end of the long fifth “sentence”: “Frseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeefrong” (18.874)
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden