The last reading stopped at: “Virtuous: but occasionally they were also badtempered.” (10.82)
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden
The last reading stopped at: “Virtuous: but occasionally they were also badtempered.” (10.82)
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden
Please note: There will be no reading on Thursday, 18 May (Ascension Day). The next reading will take place on 25 May 2023.
The last reading stopped at: “My kingdom for a drink. On.” (9.982)
The last reading stopped at: “the palm of beauty?” (9.740)
The next paragraph begins: “— And the sense of property, Stephen said.” (9.741)
The numbers 9.740 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (9 = episode number; 740 = line number)
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden