The last reading stopped at: “Destiny. Ripening now. Vain: very.” (4.431)
The numbers 4.431 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (4 = chapter number; 431 = line number.
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden.
The last reading stopped at: “Destiny. Ripening now. Vain: very.” (4.431)
The numbers 4.431 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (4 = chapter number; 431 = line number.
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden.
The last reading stopped at: “an eight o'clock breakfast for the Japanese.” (4.117)
The numbers 4.117 refer to the place in the text edited by Hans Walter Gabler (4 = chapter number; 117 = line number.
With thanks to Pino Aschwanden