
Monday, 28 September 2015

Thursday, 24 September 2015

The reading stopped at: "You say right, sir. A Monday morning, twas so, indeed" (10.829).

Monday, 21 September 2015

Thursday, 17 September 2015

The reading of the chapter Wandering Rocks paused at: "He shut his eyes thight in delight, his body shrinking, and blew a sweet chirp from his lips" (10.565).

Catherine, who keeps us posted about the group's progress, comments: 

Do you like to wander around? It turns your head in a meditative mood and sometimes "God" sends you some creative ideas. Who knows if something similar may be happening in this episode when Father Conmee thinks "of that tyrannous incontinence, needed however for men’s race on earth, and of the ways of God which were not our ways" (10.171). Is he including himself in "our ways"? It may be an honest thing to do…

Saturday, 12 September 2015

Thursday, 10 September 2015

Catherine Meyer, our faithful reporter on the group's progress, adds in her note (in German):

"im wandering rocks irren wir durch zeit und raum, vorwärts und rückwärts und ich sehe so, dass die gedanken wirklich gleichzeitig fast überall sein können, wohingegen die physische last (körper) immer schön alles nacheinander abtrippeln muss. Also ist sprache wie körper. Eines nach dem anderen. Wohingegen die einzelnen sinne im körper ja sehr wohl mehrere sachen miteinander verbinden können. Also wir sind bei den dedalus kindern zu hause."

The reading will thus proceed from: "Katey and Boody Dedalus shoved in the door of the closesteaming kitchen" (10.258).

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Thursday, 3 September 2015

The reading group has now started episode 10, also referred to as "Wandering Rocks", and reached line 39 with "O, lest he forget. That letter to father provincial" (10.39).